Sugar Detox Programs

At Sheila Sherman Wellness, we understand that each individual's journey toward a healthier lifestyle is unique. Our Customized Sugar Detox Programs are designed to provide personalized guidance, support, and strategies to help you break free from sugar addiction and cultivate sustainable habits for long-term well-being.

Upcoming Program


FEBRUARY 1, 2024


Maintain or Lose Weight

Boost Immunity

Enhance Mental Clarity

Support Digestive Health

Stabilize Energy Levels

Experience Better Sleep

Prevent Sugar Cravings

Enjoy the True Flavors

About The New Sugar-Free Me Challenge

Setting a Healthier Tone

Initiating a detox before the holidays sends a clear message that your health is a priority. It can motivate you to make healthier choices and set a positive tone for the season.

Preventing Weight Gain

Waiting until after the holidays to detox can result in added weight gain that may be more challenging to shed. Starting early can help you manage your weight throughout the season.

Reducing Sugar Cravings

Initiating a detox in advance allows you to reduce sugar cravings and dependence, making it easier to resist temptations during holiday events.

Learning Healthy Alternatives

Beginning a sugar detox in advance gives you time to discover and incorporate healthier, sugar-free alternatives into your holiday meals and desserts.

Join Us on the Journey

Sheila Sherman Wellness is more than a coaching service—it's a supportive community committed to helping you thrive. Join us on this journey to a healthier, happier you.

Join Us on the Journey

Sheila Sherman Wellness is more than a coaching service—it's a supportive community committed to helping you thrive. Join us on this journey to a healthier, happier you.

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New York, NY, USA